Ain Qani

Place: Ain Qaniyeh

Distance from Beirut: 28 km

Contact name: Ain Qaniyeh municipality

Phone: 9615508101

Altitude 830 meters above sea level

Famous for the Birket el Aarous site where there is a water mill dating from the late 19th century, and a bridge built in 1507 during the late Mamluk era - both on the Nabeh Mershed River. The Birket el Aarous bridge is considered one of the oldest bridges in Mount Lebanon. In close proximity, there are also the two bridges, Shalouf Bridges, near the main road built in the early 20th century. One can also enjoy the architecture of the 18th and 19th century houses of the Joumblatt and Zein el Dine families in the center of the village. Hikers will enjoy walking the ancient trail linking Moukhtara to Ain Qani through the Birket el Aarous Bridge.

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