
Place: Jebaa

Distance from Beirut: 70 km

Jebaa is located between 1200 and 1800 m above sea level at about 70 km from Beirut.

Jebaa is known for its oak and pine forests, referred to by inhabitants as the Roman Woodland. So many natural elements, places, and monuments contribute to the reputation of Jebaa: its old grape mills that cut into the rock, its Roman temple and tombs in Maabour el Wadi (the passage of the Valley), its natural caves and the sources of Ain Chaachoua and Ain al-Dayaa. The ruins of the place, called the Khirbeh, are difficult to date. But Jebaa is famous for its Roman temple and sarcophagi.

Moreover, a well-equipped picnic area was created near Ain Chaachouh on the Lebanese Mountain Trail (the longest trail in Lebanon at 440 km).

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