Dahr El Sitt

Place: Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope site

Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope site: This site is located on another hill to the north east side of Joun. The site is known as "Dahr El Sitt":

Lady Hester Stanhope settled until her death in the residence at the site, which is on the tip of one of the hills. She said in her memoirs, written by her longtime friend Doctor Charles Lewis Meryon, that the residence has been called by the villagers "Dahr El Sitt" or "Dar El Sitt". He also said that her house on the top of the hill was shaped "like half orange". The house had a garden and a stable and other buildings for storage. He implied that she liked the house because of its strategic location: "...the house on the summit of a conical hill, whence comers and goers might be seen on every side...", noting that the road from Joon to the cities of Sidon, Beirut, and Deir El Qamar all go into lonely mountains full of jackals and wolves.

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