Foret Naya

Place: Chouf mountains

Distance from Beirut: 53km

Phone: 00961-76-699266


Foret Naya is an eco- friendly camping area located in the heart of Chouf mountains. At Foret Naya you can discover nature, enjoy the silence under the stars, surround yourself by cedar trees and escape the busy city life into a tranquil location. Enjoy the beautiful natural sceneries of Chouf with the most tranquil getaway location.

Discover the Natural Wonder of Foret-Naya; Exploring the Forest from Dusk till Dawn.

Foret- naya offers an array of exciting experiences, including the sights and sounds of the night creatures, such as owls, frogs, insects and other nocturnal animals. Visitors can also explore the lush greenery and unique ecosystems of the forest, discovering variety of plants and animals. The night sky is illuminated by starlight, and visitors can even spot the constellations, or enjoy a peaceful evening stroll under the stars.

For a true wilderness experience, stay in one of the bungalows for a sleepover, with full safety and licensing provided by the ministry of tourism. (12 Regular, 2 private and 1 double bungalow).

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