The farm of Abou Saab brothers

Place: Shouf

Distance from Beirut: 42km

Phone: 00961-3-832196


This land is about 15000-meter square. The grandfather used to cultivate it with grains and wheat, the land was abandoned with vine grapes

The Cooperation with the Shouf Biosphere Reserve helped this farm to be a pilot site, and to implement methods of sustainable agriculture. Through the connections of the Shouf Biosphere Reserve a collaboration was done with international associations to transform this land to a model site. In three years, the land was planted, and get food from its products, while achieving ecotourism and agrotourism. The farming objective is to create a healthy and clean environment and to provide a community with healthy food. You can visit our farm and enjoy our authentic food made from our local products. The food is handmade cooked and prepared as a family business, since we care about the food hygiene. All our food ingredients are fresh.

Reservation is preferred to enjoy the experience and discover the farm.

Added to that, we welcome the guests and tell them more about the sustainable agriculture, and the shift we made in this land during the 3-year period of time of cooperation with the Shouf Biosphere Reserve and the participation of farmers, SBR established the Sustainable Farmers Markets where we were able to sell our products through it and now you can order you products via social media.

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